My projects


Evolutionary Changes in Data Analysis


u-can-act is a research platform that aims to provide a platform to unravel the variables underpinning early school drop out

Thialf SkatePredict

The Dutch are famous for their ice skating performance. In this project we aim to improve this performance one step further by predicting lap times.

Personalized coaching

Performing personalized coaching based on machine learning based estimators.

Online SuperLearner

A specific branch of machine learning that has been shown to work especially well is ensemble learning. One specific sort of ensemble learner is the Online SuperLearner.

Machine learning depression

Personalized predictions in the field of psychopathology based on machine learning. Predicting the occurence of depression.


Let's get Physiqual! A framework for resampling, imputing, and unifying health and fitness data

NEMESIS-2 Diary Study

Depression is more than a cross-sectional descriptive. Measuring depression with high resolution Ecological Momentary Assessments.

Automated Impulse Reponse Analysis

The attention for the personalization of mental health advice is thriving, and AIRA its job is to make it understandable and interesting.


Leefplezier aims to sustain or enhance the well-being of elderly people in the Netherlands

How Nuts Are The Dutch?

HowNutsAreTheDutch? (or: HoeGekIsNL in Dutch) is a project in which the psychological well-being of the Dutch population is assessed.